世界好奇妙 一起去看看 Let's Go! See Our Wonderful World


Multicultural International Day

The world is wonderful.

Let's go and have a look



Globalizationhas made the diverse races and cultures that exist around the world richer, more exciting, and more complex. These cultures permeate children's lives and even unkonwingly influence the children. The funny thing is that multiculticulturaism can be a part of everyone's life, or it can be an educational concept that teaches children through curriculum design and activities to learn about their own culture, develop self-esteem and self-confidence, and treat other cultures positively with the same attitude, eliminating personal prejudice and discrimination.

EveryOctober in the past, Zhongshan Kindergarten would plan Halloween activities as the monthyly themed event.   Starting in 2020, we shifted our focus to a "multi-faceted" perspective, seeing that all people belong to one family, guiding children to see the world from China, and we bring the world to them.


International Day


Lookback to the past few years, Zhongshan had always applied the theme “Me and the world” to stimulate the awareness of multiculturalism. Last year, we used a Chinese trend activity to lead children to see the beauty of 5,000 years of Chinese culture from different aspects and to arouse their curiosity and love for Chinese culture.


International Day


Thisyear, we set the topic as "The World is Wonderful, Let's Go See It Together", aiming to bring the fun of the world to the children and explore the fun with them. Firstly, the teachers consciously chose two countries as the main line for each class, and gave the children some experience by setting up different learning contents about the countries. Then during the learning center time, the teachers made handicraft works with the children representing different countries' characteristics and displayed them on the stage.




International Day


On the day of the event, the teachers set up a garden fair at the tennis court in Zhongshan, with many food, craft and game booths representing different countries. The content was particularly rich and interesting, such as Indian pizza, pasta, French bread and other food booths; and fun soccer, field hockey and chess game booths; and paper airplane DIY, flower planting, paper plate necklace craft booths and so on. We hope that through the games, we can help children understand the different cultures of different countries, to open their horizons, but also to let children in the initial understanding of the many differences in the world can be so wonderful.

   摊位活动/Booth Games


International Day


In the morning, the children were guided by their teachers to receive their passports and then they could play in different countries during the booth game time. On this day, children dressed in costumes from different countries and cultures to walk a fashion show, once again, had lighten up the diversity of Zhongshan. Although the children may not have been able to tell the cultural significance of these costumes to people of different races or countries, culture is inherently built up through a group of people living together, and the Multicultural Day event was an opportunity for Zhongshan to reaffirm its cultural identity and be aware of personal cultural differences by asking itself the meaning behind the important holidays and foods it celebrates each year, and the special costumes it wears.

           走秀/Fashion Show


International Day

些多元的文化元素及材料,一直渗透在人类的生活中,我们只是试着借由这次的活动,让孩子从「看见」自己与他人的差异,「听见」他人不同的声音,理解他人行为背后的文化脉络,并且在日常生活中落实尊重他人的行为,因为「异」 与「同」是并存于这个世界上的必然现象。

These diverse cultural elements and materials have always permeated our life. We just wanted to let children "see" the differences between themselves and others, "hear" the different voices of others, understand the cultural context behind the behavior of others. Andeventually, we hope that the children will implement respectful behavior in daily life through this multicultural fair, because "difference" and "sameness" are inevitable phenomena that coexist in this world.


Aircraft cabin simulated environment