

      In the morning of Sept 12, again it was raining while we were hosting our open day activity. But the faculties were so encouraged that more than ten families came to this beautiful kindergarten in spite of the bad weather. To our surprise, more than half of our guests were foreign parents and kids! So what is so special about Zhongshan Kindergarten? You may find some clues in the photos taken on our open day! Let’s have a look!

1.用心的布置 Attentive Preparation

2.可爱的老师 Lovable Teachers

3.超赞的玩具 Amusing Toys


...Kids are just super happy being here!我们甚至不需要用照片佐证。带上您的孩子来到中山幼儿园,就会马上知道我们所言非虚!

We don’t even need photos to prove this. Bring your child to our kindergarten and immediately you will know this!

     免费入园体验活动公告 Free Experiencing Notice现在就是您最好的机会!从9月16日至9月30日,中山幼儿园将献上【免费入园体验】活动。从早上8点半到11点,家长可陪同孩子一起体验中山园的快乐生活。名额有限,欢迎预约噢!
      Now it is your best opportunity! From Sept 16 to Sept 30, Zhongshan Kindergarten will offer Free Experiencing Activity. You could stay with your kid in the kindergarten, from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m, to experience the fun and joy together. The spots are limited, and you are welcomed to make a reservation.

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