







Dear parents,

2021 winter holiday is coming. It will be the coldest winter vacation in Shanghai in recent years. The Covid-19 is also active.

In order to let everyone have a safe and happy winter vacation and a relaxed and happy Spring Festival, the winter holiday notice is issued. Let's get to know.

放假时间 Winter Holiday


4 Feb,2021 ~ 21 Feb,2021

开学时间 School Opening


22 Feb,2021 (Monday)


Pandemic Prevention Requirements


At present, the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic is getting severe, and there are more than 250 thousand new cases diagnosed per day. The Spring Festival travel rush is coming, which will increase the risk of transmission, and the medium and high risk areas will also change.


According to the Education Bureau's guideline, the requirements for pandemic prevention and control during holiday and spring school opening are as follows:


In principal, all teachers and students are not recommended to leave Shanghai without special reasons during the winter holiday.


If there are special circumstances that need to leave Shanghai, the teachers and students should report to the school, take anti-epidemic measures during the trip, and bring enough masks, alcohol wipes and other necessary anti-epidemic items. Wear masks and wash hands frequently during the journey. Try to choose self-driving. If you take public transport, reduce communication with others and try to keep a safe distance.


Set up "one person, one file" information account for all teachers and students. From 14 days before the beginning of school, all teachers and students should carry out self-health management and record their body temperature daily.   The form also includes the information leaving and returning Shanghai and participating in   training courses.



The QR code of Shanghai Bendibao

In principle, all teachers and students should not leave the mainland of China (Do not travel to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) or go to high-risk areas in mainland of China. Please check the high and medium risk areas of Shanghai Bendibao in time to ensure that you will not pass through the high and medium risk areas during your trip.






For all the teachers and students:

1) If returning to Shanghai from low-risk areas, the person can apply for returning to school after 14 days of self-health management at home.

2) If returning from medium and high-risk areas in China, the person should carry out centralized (home) health management for 14 days according to the requirements, and carry out two times of nucleic acid tests of Covid-19. If the result meets the requirement, the person can apply for returning to school.

3) If returning to Shanghai from the city where the domestic medium and high-risk areas are located (non medium and high-risk areas), the person should carry out a Covid-19 nucleic acid test according to the requirements, and conduct self-health management at home for 14 days. He/She can apply for returning to school after meeting the requirements.

4) If the destination is changed from a low-risk area to a medium high-risk area or the city where the medium high-risk area is located when returning to Shanghai, the operation shall be carried out according to 2) or 3).

6. 师生的同住人,自2月1日起从境内外中高风险地区返沪的,相关师生返校时应向学校报备,并做好返校后7天自我健康管理。

If the cohabitants of teachers or students return to Shanghai from high-risk areas since February 1, the relevant teachers and students should report to the school, and conduct self-health management seven days after returning to school.

7. 如非必要,不举行聚集性活动。避免到人群密集、空气流动差的场所,到封闭场所应佩戴口罩。

Do not hold gathering activities unless necessary. Avoid crowded places and wear masks.

8. 如非必要,尽量减少食用进口冷链食品,以减少输入风险。

If not necessary, try to reduce the consumption of imported cold chain food.

9. 学校开学,学生入校按照避峰、错峰原则。

In spring school opening, students come to school in different time.

10. 开学前1天(2月21日),所有学生及同住人需提供健康码、行程码给班级老师。所有教职工须提供健康码、行程码给学校。

All students and cohabitants (parents, grandparents, and nanny) and all staff should provide health code and itinerary code to the class teachers or healthcare teacher in 21 Feb.


Home Safety

1. 防止触电


Prevent electric shock

Do not let your child touch switches and household appliances to prevent electric shock.

2. 防止跌落


Prevent falling

Don't let your child at home alone, do not let him/her climb balcony, doors, furniture, etc., to prevent falling.

3. 防止火灾


Prevent fire

Do not let your child touch the lighter to prevent fire.

4. 防止受伤


Prevent injury

Don't let your child touch fans, electric heaters, sharp objects, etc. to prevent injury.

5. 防止煤气泄漏


Prevent gas leakage

The gas valve should be closed after unsing it to prevent gas poisoning.

6. 防止误食


Prevent eating by mistake

Drugs, disinfectants and other items should be put out of the places which your child can reach to prevent accidental injury.


Travel Safety

1. 遵守交通规则


Traffic regulations

Comply with traffic rules and tell your child not to run and play on the road. When driving, please make sure that your child sit in the safety seat. All passengers should fasten their seat belts. Don't leave your child alone in the car.

2. 加强自我保护



In kindergarten, teachers taught children how to protect themselves. However, you still need to teach your child to remember home address, parents' telephone number and name, etc. Teach your child not to leave parents, when meeting strangers, don't talk to them, don't trust them. It is recommended to wear a telephone watch to prevent missing.


Food Safety

1. 不要暴饮暴食


Don't overeat

You and your child may easily eat more than usual during the holiday. And this may hurt your stomach.

2. 不要吃不健康的食物


Don't eat unhealthy food

Do not eat food which is not fully cooked, or with pigment, or high calorie, or high fat, and drink less soft drink, eat less cold food and cold drink. Eat warm food to protect your stomach.

3. 食物清洗


Food cleaning

Fruits and vegetables should be washed and soaked before eating or cooking.

4. 确保手部卫生


Hand hygiene

Keep your hands clean and remember to wash your hands before eating.

5. 坚持良好的饮食习惯


Good eating habits

Don't let children change their eating habits during the holidays. Wash hands before meals, sit at the table, chew 20 times before swallowing.