活动回顾|亲子自助餐飨宴和成果发表 Activity Review|Parents-Children Buffet and Achieve


      It is the first day of the new semester in Zhongshan Kindergarten! We were so overjoyed to see our children come back after the CNY holiday! It is the season to ring out the Old Year and ring in the New Year. Let’s go back to the last two days of last semester and review the parents-children buffet and achievement report!

晨谈时间 Circle Time

舞蹈时间!Dancing Time

托班亲子插花!K1 Flowers Arranging

小班亲子写春联!K2 Spring Couplets Writing

亲子自助餐 Parents-Children Buffet

   The so-called Old Year, was also filled with sweet memories. In the New Year, we will continue to offer the best to our children, helping them to grow up healthy and happy.