


It was raining in the morning of October 21. Under this gloomy background, Zhongshan Kindergarten looks quite unusual. By the entrance there stood a giant castle, surrounded by jacklanterns, balloons and spider wed! Our cute children were missing. Instead we welcomed different super heroes and beautiful princesses! What’s going on? Hah, it was Zhongshan’s special Halloween party!

 迎接孩子们的也不是平时的老师们,而是...公主和魔法师!家长们入园时还可以在大南瓜上签下孩子的名字。   We had princess and magician welcomed our children! Parents signed their child's name on the giant pumpkin.


Show time! Our fashion show today was really something with this stage, audience and photographers. Our models designed and showed their signature moves!


After the show, we had more interesting games in different rooms! Teachers prepared activities for children to play and experience, including face painting, making desserts, rolling pumpkin, beating beasts and cross the spider web.  


And a big THANK YOU to our parent volunteers. Because of your efforts and help we were able to make this party such a success and bring so much fun to our children.
